Online Class via Zoom only; Materials included and available for pickup at Botanic Garden (details below)
$5 for Garden Members; $12 for non-members.

The gold standard for backyard gardeners is a home grown tomato. Join us for a workshop dedicated to folks in pursuit of a garden full of delicious home grown veggies! Eight seed varieties are included, as well as all the supplies you will need to get them started. Together we will explore seed selection, seed planting, and transplanting outdoors. Tulsa has a challenging growing climate, but strategies for both cool season and hot season veggies will be discussed. Join us and start preparing your garden or patio containers for your 2021 veggies!
All materials are included in the price and must be picked up at the Garden between Feb. 18-March 4th from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Materials include seeds, growing tray, potting media, labels, and crop specific information included in the kit. Free Garden admission (for registered class participant) is included when picking up class materials. Registration closes Thursday (midnight) prior to class.
Included seeds: Radish, Corbacci sweet peppers, Tomatoes (2 varieties), Basil, Snap peas, Cilantro, Kale.
A Zoom link for class participants will be emailed out by noon on Friday before class.
Other Online Seed Starting Courses:
Advanced Seed Starting: Pollinator and Wildflower Gardening (Feb. 27)
Advanced Seed Starting: Cut Flowers (March 6, 1 p.m.)
Seed Starting 101 (March 13)