Online Class via Zoom only;
Registration for this class including access to the recorded class and the materials kit is still available. Contact us at for more information.
Join Ellen Weatherholt, Curator of the Children’s Discovery Garden & Lakeside Promenade, for a workshop focusing on advanced seed starting techniques to take your gardening to the next level. Participants will be provided a mix of seeds. Some will be ready to plant, others are still in their pods, and were grown and harvested from the Tulsa Botanic Garden 2021 summer display. All varieties provided are suited to the Tulsa growing climate. We will focus on proper timing, seed harvesting, cleaning and more.
Materials kit is included in registration fee and includes: potting media, container, seeds and crop specific growing information. Seeds will include: Hibiscus coccineus f. Alba, Echinacea pallida, Liatris, Millet, Ornamental peppers, Scabiosa, Zinnia haageana, and Texas bluebonnets .
Kits will be available for pick up in Garden Visitor Center during open hours.
Members: Remember to log in to see member pricing.
Registration: $26 Garden members /$30 non-member.

About your Instructor: Ellen Weatherholt is the Curator of the Children’s Discovery Garden & Lakeside Promenade, and entering her fifth growing year at the Tulsa Botanic Garden. She is always looking forward to spring – her favorite season- with blooming bulbs and flowering trees brightening the landscape after a cold winter. Ellen has a Master’s in Public Garden Leadership from Cornell University and a BS in Horticulture from Oklahoma State University. She loves helping folks discover the joy in growing their own plants, flowers, and vegetables, and enjoys leading horticulture workshops at the Tulsa Botanic Garden.
Register for series (all 4 Seed Starting workshops) and save!
$75 Garden members/$90 for non-member

Other Seed Starting Workshops:
Seed Starting: Wildflower & Pollinator Gardens
Seed Starting: Vegetables
Seed Starting 101